Inspire magazine
A few months ago I saw the excellent C Magazine from Jamie Portman at Campsmount and was incredibly impressed so when I started at my new school I wanted to start our own learning magazine. I worked on this with a colleague (Jay Davenport) and initially this was published internally only but we are now pleased to publish this far and wide on the Internet!
We have now completed our third issue and the next one is in progress. Inspire magazine is the learning magazine from Ousedale School. The first issue was generic but subsequent issues have had a focus including teaching gifted students and the post 16 issue.
The response from staff has been incredible and they are starting to have more conversations about learning. It is certainly creating the buzz that we were looking to produce. I hope you enjoy them and pass them on to staff at your school.
You can read all the three issues by visiting
Watch this space for Issue 4 … coming soon!