TeachMeet BETT 2010

Are you going to BETT in January?
Do you want to see some examples of real teachers using AMAZING ICT in the classroom ?
Then you need to come to TeachMeet on Friday 15th January!

What is a TeachMeet?

I could explain but this excellent video does a much better job than I could.   It’s on YouTube so you might have trouble watching if you’re at school.

Sounds great?  Want to sign-up immediately?

You can sign up at http://teachmeet.pbworks.com/TeachMeet-BETT-2010-Friday-Session

There are three types of people at a TeachMeet …

  1. Micro-presenters
  2. Nano-presenters
  3. Enthusiastic Lurkers

Micro-presenters / Nano-presenters

If you’ve got something great to tell everyone about then share it at TeachMeet.  Micropresentations are 7 minutes and Nanopresentations are 2 minutes so it keeps it snappy.

These are not people selling products or pushing something that hasn’t actually been done.  This MUST be about work in the classroom so you don’t have to listen to a load of sales spiel!

We’ll pick the names at random from the special randomnamepickerthingamabob to keep it interesting!

Enthusiastic Lurkers

If you haven’t got anything to say this time then come along as an enthusiastic lurker and see all the great stuff you can implement in your classroom.

How much does this cost?

Although this quality CPD is priceless … it is FREE OF CHARGE.  So have a word with your CPD director and when he/she tells you that they don’t have the budget for any more courses just let them know the only cost to the school will be your travel!

How do I sign-up to present or watch?

Just go to the wiki at http://teachmeet.pbworks.com/TeachMeet-BETT-2010-Friday-Session and add your name to the list.  You can either sign-up and use your own account or you can login with the username guest and the password teemhcaet (it’s teachmeet backwards!)


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