Visualising revision help as a poster

Revision Poster Small

Each year my school runs a revision evening for Year 11 students.

We have a couple of presentations (one from me about online revision resources and e-learning tools - blog post to come!) and parents and students are given two booklets.

- a general revision tips booklet with advice on good practice and things to avoid

- a subject specific revision booklet that contains information about what to revise, where to get information and syllabus information.

This second booklet is a little bit of a problem as it can become an incredibly bloated publication with lots of text that becomes too much and then nobody reads it.

This year I have suggested that we print an A2 poster that could go on the fridge, brightly coloured and with less information and more signposting to sources for the subject areas.  Therefore it became my responsibility to make it!

Here is my first draft.  I would really appreciate any comments or tips for improvement that would make it more accessible to parents.   I know there is still a lot of text on the page but we are limited on how brief we can make it.

UPDATE: The poster has been completed.  Please feel free to share as an idea with your school.  It was created in Adobe Illustrator and will be printed in A2 format.

Download the finished poster

PDFAnyway, download the PDF of the visualisation so far and jot ideas in the comment section below.



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