#newleaders appeal - Please help!

So a while back we asked the wonderful people of Twitter to post their #newleaders tweets to help people who are taking on a new leadership role.  The tweets came flooding in and since this time I have been working to strip out RTs, decipher meaning where people are limited to 140 chars and categorise the tweets to organise into an eBook. 

There is a problem though, the #newleaders tweets are very different from the #movemeon tweets which could be summarised quite neatly in 140 chars.  Whilst there are loads of #newleaders tweets there is a lack of depth in the book.  So I am appealing for some short stories/anecdotes to use in the book.

I would love it if a few people could write a short passage (around 250 words) talking about a particular leadership experience they have had.  We can anonymise them and we don’t want tales that would personally identify anyone.

We have split the tweets into these areas that might give you ideas

  • Making Changes/Change Management
  • Communication
  • Decision Making
  • Delegation
  • General Tips
  • Meetings
  • New role (advice for the first term of a new role)
  • Perceptions of others
  • Professional Development
  • School improvement

To contribute your story please email newleaderstweets@gmail.com and please tweet and RT this!

Thank you in advance! 


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